Thursday, August 5, 2010

Lifted Up and Held Close

Tonight I hosted a Wednesday night church service filled with testimonies of gratitude and a wonderful sermon on "Always being employed, never obsolete". It was a fulfilling hour. It reminded me that while I am trying so hard to get a job to bring in more money to meet our obligations....I am leaving our one very important component of the equation. GOD!  Sometimes, in our earnest quests, we become self absorbed.  It is all about me or I can do this....or why can't I find work.  This noise becomes very LOUD and deafening.  I have found lately if I can tell mySELF to shut up....I can hear God's plan a lot more clearly.  Lately I have been overwhelmed with anxiety, and fear that things seem insurmountable and yet my spirit keeps bringing me back to the old adage "LET GO! LET GOD!" . This embraces me and lifts me above the worry and allows me to be hopeful.  THANKS TO GOD for his tender ever-present care.

...on eagles wings!

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